Proposal guidelines and instructions for completing the Letter of Inquiry will be made available at that time. We encourage you to review these materials when they are released for further clarity.


Project Grant for Capital Improvements Overview

Our Project Grants for Capital Improvements provide short-term funding for organizations with a proven history of delivering arts programming. Eligible projects include facility upgrades, repairs, small-scale renovations, or the purchase of equipment, supplies, office furnishings, or technology. All projects must be completed within 12 months. These funds are designed to improve the physical or digital infrastructure that supports your organization’s operations, which we consider essential for long-term sustainability.

Each organization may submit a request for one clearly defined project. Please avoid combining unrelated projects in a single proposal. We define a project as a focused effort addressing one specific area of need or improvement within your organization.

Additional Guidelines:

  • These funds are intended to support operational enhancements and are not for a single production, exhibition, or event.
  • For facility improvement projects:
    • Projects must be well-advanced in planning and capable of being completed within 12 months if funding is awarded in late spring 2025.
    • We do not fund projects that are in the early conceptual stages or where planning is just beginning.
    • If your project is not yet ready for this cycle, note that we will launch another open call in fall 2025.

For organizations that are not exclusively arts-focused but have a strong track record of ongoing arts programming, the proposal must clearly demonstrate how the project will support and enhance your arts-related work.

Project Examples

Types of projects supported by this grant include:

Facilities Improvements

Completing small-scale renovations or upgrades to improve building infrastructure and increase functionality for programming


  • ADA compliance-related enhancements
  • HVAC system
  • Roof repairs
  • New flooring or stage
  • Restrooms


Purchasing or repairing hardware for programs or administrative needs


  • Cameras
  • Computers
  • Production printer
  • Audio/visual equipment
  • Lighting
  • Fans, space heaters

Artistic or Programmatic Supplies

Purchasing or refurbishing supplies or furnishings for ongoing programming


  • Drafting tables, paint, kiln, instruments, music stands
  • Exhibition-related vitrines, pedestals, cabinets, and other furnishings
  • Marley flooring
  • Folding tables and chairs, other seating
  • Supplies storage cabinets or carts, fireproof cabinets

Office Furnishings

Purchasing furnishings for office space to support administrative needs


  • Desks, office chairs
  • Conference tables
  • Storage solutions

Digital Technology

Purchasing and implementing database or other software platforms


  • Donor management software or platform
  • Collections management software or platform
  • Event management software or platform
  • Digitization of collections or archive for public access

Two-Step Process for Submitting a Funding Request

To ensure that applicants align with our mission and that proposed projects are within the scope of this grant, we have implemented a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) as the first step in this open call. LOIs will be reviewed as they are received, and only the most competitive will be invited to submit a full proposal.

If invited to move forward to complete a proposal, the following requirements also apply:

  • For requests under $50,000:
    • A minimum of 2 bids/cost estimates to inform your request
    • 5% of the total cost of the project in allocated, identified, or secured funds
  • For requests of $50,000 to $149,999:
    • A minimum of 3 bids/cost estimates to inform your request
    • 10% of the total cost of the project in allocated, identified, or secured funds
  • For requests of $150,000 to $249,999:
    • A minimum of 3 bids/cost estimates to inform your request
    • 15% of the total cost of the project in allocated, identified, or secured funds
  • For requests of $250,000 or more:
    • A minimum of 3 bids/cost estimates to inform your request
    • 20% of the total cost of the project in allocated, identified, or secured funds

Grant amounts are anticipated to range from $10,000 to $400,000.

To determine whether to submit your request now or wait until our next open call in fall 2025, please review this Pre-LOI Checklist carefully.

Eligibility Requirements for Submitting a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) for a Project Grant

To be eligible to submit a LOI, your organization must meet the following requirements:

  • Location: The organization and its staff must be based in and serving the communities of Los Angeles County.
  • Operating History: Must be a 501(c)(3) or fiscally sponsored organization that has been operating in LA County for at least five (5) consecutive years.
  • Arts Programming: Must have a long-standing track record of arts as a core priority, with active and ongoing arts programming, activities, and/or direct services accessible to the public year-round in LA County.
  • Staffing & Capacity: Must have at least three (3) paid full-time staff members for the current fiscal year. If fiscally sponsored, these staff members must be from your organization, not the fiscal sponsor.
  • Budget: Must have an annual operating budget of at least $350,000.
  • Governance: Must have a Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council.
  • Community Engagement: Must have a demonstrable track record of long-term, deeply engaged partnerships with historically underfunded communities in the arts.

Ineligible organizations include:

  • Organizations with an active (not yet completed or closed) Capital Improvements Grant
  • Organizations with new or sporadic arts programming
  • Organizations with consistent arts programming taking place only once a year or during a particular season (e.g. seasonal festivals or concert series)
  • National or statewide organizations
  • Arts service organizations
  • Educational institutions, including K-12 schools, universities, and programs that lead to a degree or diploma
  • Municipal or County government agencies and departments
  • Regranting organizations

Additional Considerations for Previous Grantees

  • Organizations that have received a General Operating Support Grants from the Foundation are eligible to apply.
  • Organizations that received a 2023 Capital Improvements Grant and whose project is now completed and closed are eligible to apply. However, any new request must be for a different project than the one previously funded.
  • Organizations with an active (not yet completed and closed) Capital Improvements Grant are not eligible to apply.
  • Overall, priority will be given to organizations that have not previously received funding from the Foundation, as this will be a competitive process.
    • Eligibility Requirements for Arts Organizations

      To be eligible to submit an LOI, your organization must meet the following criteria:

      • Be a 501(c)(3) or fiscally sponsored visual and/or performing arts organization
      • Have a mission fully dedicated to the arts
      • Have active and ongoing programming, activities, and/or direct services performed, exhibited, or provided in LA County
      • Have staffing and operational capacity necessary to manage project, with at least three (3) paid full-time staff members for the current fiscal year
      • Have been established and operating as a 501(c)(3) or fiscally sponsored organization for at least five (5) consecutive years
      • Have an annual operating budget of less than $10 million
      • Have a Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council
      • Partner with, support, and/or represent communities that have been historically underfunded in the arts
      • Have received a minimum of 2 bids/cost estimates to inform budget request for project if under $50,000, or a minimum of 3 to inform request of $50,000 or over
      • Project that capital improvements can be implemented in less than 18 months

      Ineligible organizations include:

      • Organizations whose primary mission is not arts-related (for example: therapeutic and social services, entertainment, healthcare, housing, sports, and living collections). To be eligible, all programming and/or services must be dedicated to the arts
      • National and/or statewide arts organizations
      • Educational institutions that lead to a degree or diploma
      • Municipal or County government agencies and departments
      • Regranting organizations
    • Timeline

      Application Submissions Window: January 19 – June 8, 2023

      • Application Opens: Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. PST
      • Application Closes: Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. PST
      • Please be mindful of the noon deadline, as we cannot guarantee an extension beyond this time.

      Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 8, 2023. We encourage organizations to submit early and not wait until the final deadline.

      We strongly recommend submitting the application at least 3 working days prior to the deadline to allow ample time to troubleshoot and resolve any technical or system errors.

      Review Process: March through September 2023

      As part of our review process, we may conduct virtual meetings and/or in-person site visits. Those who applied before the end of April will receive a notification in late July. All later applicants will be notified in late October.

    • Contact Our Team

      For questions about your organization’s eligibility to apply for this grant, read through our Eligibility Requirements above before submitting a question.

      For technical issues or questions about the application process, read the Questions and Answers section below. If your question is not addressed there, contact our team.

      If you are unsure whether your capital improvements project fits into the scope of this grant or have a request that is under $10,000, provide the following in your question to receive guidance on whether to proceed with an application:

      • A brief summary (2-3 sentences) of what your project entails
      • The grant amount you would like to request from the Perenchio Foundation

      Ask a Question

    • Apply Now


    LOI Opens

    Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 10:00 am PT

    LOI Deadline

    Monday, November 4, 2024 - 3:00 pm PT

    Select Organizations Invited to Submit Proposal

    By Tuesday, December 3, 2024

    *LOIs will be reviewed as they are submitted, and invitations will be sent on a rolling basis.

    Proposal Submission Deadline

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 3:00 pm PT

    Proposal Review Process

    February - April 2025

    Grant Decisions

    By the end of May 2025

    Evaluation Criteria

    LOIs and proposals should be clear, concise, and free of jargon or repetition. We ask organizations to describe who they are and the core of what they do in a way that would be easily understood by anyone reading about their work.

    All organizations will be evaluated on their alignment with Perenchio Foundation’s values of quality, accessibility, and permanence. In addition to clarity and overall values alignment, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

    • Project Need & Feasibility

      • Is there a clear description of how the proposed project will address a need and help the organization operate more effectively?
      • Can the proposed project be feasibly implemented within 12 months and for the projected total cost?
      • Will the proposed project help the organization work toward operational sustainability?
    • Artistic & Community Focus

      • Does the proposal include all the following in a clear description of the organization’s anchor arts programs?
        • Programming (what the organization does and who you are)
        • Practices (how you do you work)
        • Purpose (why you do your work)
        • Community (whom you define as your community served)
      • Does the organization’s artistic practice demonstrate high quality and a commitment to pursuing excellence?
      • Does the organization have a track record of long-term, deeply engaged partnerships with historically underfunded communities in LA County?
      • Is the organization’s work informed by feedback from their community members?
    • Leadership, Capacity & Track Record

      • Does the organization have sound governance structure and financial management practices?
      • Does the organization have a formalized practice of assessment and organizational learning for continuous improvement?
      • Does the team have the staffing and capacity to support the project and manage grant funds?
      • Does the organization have other consistent sources of funding that increase the likelihood of raising additional dollars needed for the project?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • About Project Grants for Capital Improvements

      What if our project includes multiple elements and we are unsure which category to select?

      We recognize that some projects may naturally require multiple related components. In such cases, you may include multiple items under a single project if they are essential and directly related to addressing the same area of need. For instance:

      • A media arts organization requesting computers and cameras as part of a comprehensive digital arts upgrade
      • An arts education program seeking both instruments and storage solutions to support its curriculum expansion
      • A comprehensive equipment upgrade for a studio serving a specific purpose or medium

      Please select the category you believe best aligns with the overall nature of your project. No need to get caught up on this, as our team will reach out if we have clarifying questions.

      Are capital campaigns for site acquisitions and/or large building renovations eligible for this grant?

      No. Project Grants for Capital Improvements are meant to support short-term projects that can be completed within a 12-month window. While this may include targeted renovation projects (e.g., restrooms, ADA compliance upgrades, roof repair/replacement), the funding is not intended to be a resource for complete building overhauls or for purchasing property.

      What if our project will take longer than 12 months to complete from the beginning of the grant term in June 2025?

      If your project will require more than 12 months to complete after the grant term begins in June 2025, we recommend considering this in your planning timeline. Should your project require more advance preparation, we encourage you to start planning now, so you are ready to apply when our next Project Grants for Capital Improvements cycle opens in fall 2025. While the next cycle will have the same 12-month requirement for projects, advance notice of the 2025 cycle is intended to give applicants more lead time for preparation.

      Are ongoing costs (e.g., software subscriptions) covered by this grant?

      No, ongoing maintenance or operating costs (e.g., software subscriptions like Word or Zoom) are not covered. The grant supports one-time implementation costs, such as setting up a new CRM platform.

    • Eligibility

      Are organizations that have received funding from the Perenchio Foundation eligible to apply?

      Yes, previous grantees are eligible. However, priority will be given to organizations that have not yet received a grant or those that have not received support for capital improvements.

      If your organization has already received a Capital Improvements Grant, any new requests must be for a different, unrelated project. Additionally, if your organization has an active (not yet completed or closed) Capital Improvements Grant, you may not apply. To be competitive, returning applicants should focus on projects that address urgent, time-sensitive needs.

      Do you accept LOIs from arts service organizations?

      No, arts service organizations are not eligible to apply at this time. However, we do support capacity-building efforts for LA County-based arts service organizations through an invitation-only process to help them better serve the local arts sector.

      How do I know if you would consider my organization as having a strong track record in the arts?

      For organizations that do not exclusively focus on arts,  we will consider the following to determine if you meet our criteria for a track record of arts programming:

      • Clarity in the description of your anchor arts programs and their importance to the organization
      • Longevity of your arts program(s)
      • Demonstrated capacity (e.g., staff, space, strategic partnerships) to successfully manage and run arts programs
      • Evidence of high-quality programming and a commitment to excellence
      • Responsiveness of your arts programs to community needs and participant feedback
      • Clear visibility of arts programs on your website, showcasing them as a key aspect of your work
    • Fiscally Sponsored Organizations

      Should fiscally sponsored organizations start a LOI under their own name or under the name of their fiscal sponsor?

      A fiscally sponsored organization that is not in the IRS database should click “Entering an Organization Name” and enter their name there. Then, they should enter their fiscal sponsor’s information if prompted within the LOI.

      What information will fiscally sponsored organizations need to provide about their fiscal sponsor?

      If you are a fiscally sponsored organization, you will need to provide:

      • Name, address, and Tax ID of your fiscal sponsor
      • Contact at the fiscal sponsor organization
      • Memorandum of understanding (MOU) or letter of agreement between your organization and your fiscal sponsor

      How should fiscally sponsored organizations answer the budget-related questions in the LOI?

      For organizations that are fiscally sponsored, be sure to include your own organization’s information in all budget-related questions, not your fiscal sponsor’s.

    • Letter of Inquiry Guidance

      How do you suggest that I be concise while also sharing a comprehensive snapshot of my organization?

      A few things to consider:

      • Please spell everything out before using abbreviations.
      • Use numbering, bullet points, italics, and bolding to organize information and direct the reader’s attention.
      • Provide background as needed to define terms.
      • Share data points, research, and/or specific examples to illuminate how feedback and patterns inform your approach.
      • Prioritize clarity when describing who you are, your objectives, and how you do your work.
      • We value brevity where possible. We ask that you limit responses to no more than 400-500 words. However, the system will not cut you off if you need to write more.
      • If you are invited to submit a full proposal, there will also be sections in which you will have the option to upload materials and/or visuals to highlight the project.

      Are there examples of responses that can help me understand the level of the detail requested?

      In the file linked here we have included a few questions from the LOI form with sample responses to illustrate how we hope applicants will be succinct and clear, while still providing details to help us understand the organization’s work.

      While the full proposal will have different questions, the sample responses provide guidance for succinctness and clarity of information that extends throughout the process.

      Please note: These responses were written by our team and are not meant to convey a singular organizational perspective. They are simply examples for reference.

    • How to Use GivingData

      How do I create and access my profile on your grants portal?

      Click HERE to start the LOI.

      • On the right side of the screen, you will see a “Sign In” box and an option to create a new account. Click “Create an account” and enter your email address. This will be your username on the grants portal.
      • Look for an email from Perenchio Foundation in your inbox, and check your spam folder if you do not see it. Click “Activate Your Account” to set up your password.
      • You will now be able to start a new LOI, enter your organization’s name, and take the eligibility questionnaire.

      Can I start my LOI and come back to it later?

      Yes, the system autosaves so you can come back to it anytime. However, if you are at the end of a page, please take a few seconds to let your responses fully load before clicking into the next page.

      Can I print the LOI form prior to, during, or after filling it out?

      Yes, you can print the LOI at any time, and it may be printed with or without your answers.

      Will I receive confirmation that my LOI was received?

      Yes, when you submit your LOI, you will receive an auto-response email to confirm that it was received. If you do not receive one, check your spam folder. If the confirmation is not in your spam folder, please reach out to us HERE.

      My fiscal year does not align with the financial information requested in the LOI. What should I do?

      Financial information and attachments should be entered into the LOI based on the year in which your fiscal year ends. (For example, the LOI will ask you to enter your operating budget for the fiscal year ending in 2024.) This should allow you to enter your financial information regardless of what month your fiscal year begins and ends.

    • Review Process

      What does the review process entail?

      Our review process has multiple stages. We are starting with the LOI form to ensure that only competitive and aligned projects move forward to a full proposal.

      Beyond the eligibility requirements and evaluation criteria noted above, an invitation to submit a proposal will be determined based on an equity-centered review process. Full proposals will be reviewed by the Foundation from late January to April 2025.

      An invitation to submit a complete proposal after the LOI stage is not a guarantee of a grant award.

      Will you conduct site visits as part of the review process?

      We may conduct in-person site visits and/or virtual meetings for the Foundation team to get to know your leadership and understand more about the project. If needed, we will reach out accordingly.

      How do I check on the status of my request?

      Please refrain from emailing or calling about the status of requests. The Foundation will contact you via email if more information is needed. Otherwise, all organizations that have submitted an LOI will hear from us no later than December 3, 2024. Organizations that are invited to submit a full proposal will be notified about our decision by May 2025.

    • How to Contact Us

      How can I submit a question to your team?

      If you have a technical issue or a question about the process that is not addressed on this page, please thoroughly review the guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions before reaching out. Many common inquiries are answered there.

      To submit a question, please click the “Ask a Question” button below. Do not email individual staff members—all inquiries must go through this form for our team to respond.

      Please note: We cannot guarantee responses to questions submitted on the final day for LOI submissions. To avoid last-minute issues, we strongly recommend submitting your LOI at least 2 business days before the deadline to allow time for troubleshooting.

      Ask a Question

    Perenchio Foundation: 21 Miller Alley Suite 210, Pasadena, CA 91103